Unclaimed money lying in Accounts
Unclaimed money lying in accounts like Life Insurance, Mutual Funds, Provident Pension, Fixed Deposits, and dividends. Financial Investments need an experienced Advisor known to the Investor, his family, and his Children. After Corona COVID-19 pandemic disease, all Insurance companies started sending Insurance policy documents by email and no hard copies to home addresses.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!This is very dangerous. A policyholder after taking the policy, this Policy copy directly to the email, forgot to tell the family members, what would happen. What the nominees will do?
If there is an Advisor, visiting his home regularly for the premium collection and other investments, will be of great help. Nominees can easily communicate with him and take his help.
There are Crores of Rupees unclaimed, lying in various Accounts. There is no one to claim that amount. The reason is buying online without knowing the Agent and no connectivity between the Policyholder and the Advisor. There is also a major problem, getting trapped with discounted offers and mind blogging ads.
There is a need for well experienced Advisor who will be ready to help your nominees also in case of any eventuality. Most Agents/ Advisors are part-time and work when want to make some money.
I am A. Shivakumar, a full-time Agent in the Insurance Industry for the last 20 years. Call me for any of the below-given services. I would be glad to help and support you.