SIP Shivakumar

SIP Shivakumar 

SIP Shivakumar for investment in SIP in Mutual Funds and SIP in shares. Markets have given good returns, but the only requirement is patience. For those who are ready to wait and taste the fruit, for them, Mutual Funds are one of the best investments. 

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When we talk about the returns from Mutual Funds and Shares, past performance is taken into account. No one can guess about the future. Based on the nature of the company or the Mutual fund’s past performance, the Advisors suggest. 


Mutual Funds or Shares investment should be as per the suggestion of the Licensed Mutual Funds Advisor only.  They also cannot predict the market or offer good returns. 

It is recommended to take the help of Mutual Funds Advisors for investments only. The final step of choosing the right funds is with the investor and not with the Advisor. He can only do the due diligence and proceed. 

Investors are requested to review the prospectus carefully and obtain expert professional advice concerning specific legal, tax, and financial implications of the investment/participation in the scheme.

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For Insurance plans also, you need an Advisor to brief the plan and help to buy without any problem. There have been many online Insurance fraud activities in recent years.  Many people lost their hard-earned funds, recommended by online calls and online websites. There are many full-time Agents available in all cities to help the Insurance proposers. 

Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme-related documents carefully.