Mutual Funds

Online Mutual Fund investing without knowing the facts

Online Mutual Fund investing without knowing the facts

Buying mutual funds online through apps has become popular due to its convenience and ease of access. However, there are several potential problems and challenges associated with this method of investment, especially when compared to the traditional approach of consulting with a Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD).


Here are some of the key issues:

1. Lack of Personalized Advice

  • Individual Needs and Goals: An MFD can offer personalized advice based on a deep understanding of your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. Online platforms often lack this level of customization and may offer generic advice.
  • Portfolio Management: MFDs provide ongoing portfolio management services, adjusting investments based on market conditions and personal financial changes, which apps may not adequately cover.

2. Limited Human Interaction

  • No Face-to-Face Interaction: Buying mutual funds through apps eliminates the personal touch of face-to-face interactions, which can be crucial for understanding complex financial products and making informed decisions.
  • Trust and Assurance: Personal interactions with an MFD build trust and provide assurance, which is difficult to replicate with online platforms.

3. Technical Issues and Usability

  • Technical Glitches: Apps can suffer from technical issues, bugs, and downtime, which can affect the investment process and user experience.
  • Complex Interface: Some users might find the app interface complex and challenging to navigate, leading to mistakes or incomplete transactions.

4. Inadequate Customer Support

  • Support Quality: While many apps offer customer support, it may not be as comprehensive or personalized as the support provided by an MFD. Resolution of issues can be slower and less effective.
  • Limited Accessibility: Customer support through apps is often limited to certain hours, whereas MFDs might be more readily available for urgent matters.

5. Risk of Mis-selling

  • Promotional Bias: Apps might promote certain funds over others due to partnerships or higher commissions, which may not always align with the best interests of the investor.
  • Lack of Education: Investors might not receive adequate education on the risks and benefits of different funds, leading to poor investment choices.

6. Security Concerns

  • Data Privacy: Sharing personal and financial information on apps raises concerns about data privacy and security, especially if the app is not from a well-known or reputable source.
  • Fraud and Scams: There is a risk of encountering fraudulent apps or scams that can lead to financial loss.

7. Complexity in Managing Multiple Accounts

  • Multiple Investments: Managing investments across different apps can become cumbersome, leading to potential errors and difficulty in tracking overall portfolio performance.
  • Consolidation Issues: Consolidating accounts and investments can be more challenging without the help of an MFD.

8. Lack of Comprehensive Financial Planning

  • Holistic Planning: MFDs provide holistic financial planning services, considering various aspects such as tax planning, retirement planning, and estate planning, which apps typically do not cover comprehensively.
  • Goal-Based Investing: Apps may not effectively help in goal-based investing, where investments are aligned with specific financial goals like buying a house, funding education, or planning for retirement.


While buying mutual funds through apps offers convenience and ease of access, it also comes with several challenges that could impact the effectiveness of your investment strategy. Lack of personalized advice, limited human interaction, technical issues, inadequate customer support, security concerns, and the absence of comprehensive financial planning are significant drawbacks.

For those who prefer a more personalized approach and wish to ensure their investments are managed holistically, consulting with an MFD might be the better option. However, if you are comfortable with technology and prefer managing your investments independently, using reputable apps can still be a viable choice.


  1. Research Thoroughly: Ensure the app is from a reputable provider and read reviews before making any investments.
  2. Stay Informed: Continuously educate yourself about mutual funds and investment strategies.
  3. Diversify Support: Consider a hybrid approach where you use apps for certain functions but also consult with an MFD for comprehensive financial planning.
  4. Keep Records: Maintain thorough records of all transactions and communications with the app’s customer support for future reference.

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