Which LIC plan is the best to buy?

Which LIC plan is the best to buy?

Which LIC plans is the best to buy is the question asked by almost all proposers to me.  I am in the Industry for more than 15 years and have seen that the proposer’s requirement and budget change from time to time.  Most of the Clients were very young when they first took an Insurance policy from me. The planning, calculation and contribution were good when they started. 

Which LIC plan is the best to buy?

The need to buy the best Life Insurance changes from person to person. Most of the proposers come to me after getting married. Many times the need comes due to the spouse’s pressure to get insured.

Buying multiple plans are also not good. Many people buy multiple policies for a small sum assured amount. Earlier this was a practice. After 2018, better plans have come which gives all benefits in a single plan.

Saving tax from salary and Business is the most difficult job in the months from December to February every year. Proper planning from the month of April onwards would help to a great extent. Plan well in the beginning itself and save the maximum tax.  

Proposer needs to finalize the budget, need and usage of the funds received from the Maturity of the policy. Other things leave it to the experienced Life Insurance Advisor to plan, decide and execute. 

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